I’m not always the sweet Lilly flower you guys know. I have a wicked side that only comes out when I’m on a blasphemy phone sex call. As soon as I get a fellow sufferer of fanatcal religious parents, my ungodly demonic side explodes to the surface and all of my unwanted intrusive thoughts can’t stay inside. I grew up in a picturesque small town. My early childhood years were full of blue skies, rainbows and white picket fences. Unfortunately though this paradise was not long lasting because I also had very psycho parents. My “born again” bible thumper mom and dad instilled the “fear of god’s wrath” into my brain when I was old enough to understand what “wrath” was. lol They were such hypocrites! I knew all of the bad things they both did and I kept quiet about them for a long time, but the more they poked the bear in me, the more I wanted to let it pour out. More about that later. As an impressionable girl, their prayers of purity seemed to be normal. But as I grew into a woman, (a big busted, beautifully curved, luscious younger woman), their prayers for the purity of my soul became fanatical. They preached to me constantly about the sins of the flesh. They were non-stop with their warnings of how I would be tempted by boys pressuring me to do things I shouldn’t, like kissing and touching. In their minds, these boys were sent by the devil himself to take my most “precious gift” as they called it, my virginity. They pounded into my brain that my thoughts and actions must remain pure. If they only knew the pounding pastor Ken was giving me in the church rectory! Lord have Mercy!

They had me read the bible every day, many times a day, to keep any sexually devilish thoughts away. They wanted me to remain as pure as the driven snow. What a joke, the only thing pure snow back then was Pastor Ken’s cocaine, talk about devilish. lol As my tits grew bigger and bigger my dad freaked out more and more. He warned me that if my shirt was too tight or too low cut that I would raise impure thoughts in the boys in my class. When I left the house they checked my face for makeup, especially lipstick, which they called the tips of the devil’s pitchfork! lol They were insane. To them the pitchfork stands for the devil’s trident and all wicked activity.Their nightly prayer included asking God to watch over me and keep me walking the path of the righteous, every time I left the house they would yell out “God loves you Lilly!! He’s right by your side” !! That’s how I was forced to grow up. How fucking sick, right? Fuck that shit! Just thinking about it makes me turn into a wild animal. My blasphemy phone sex callers have heard my stories and know they raise a fire in me. Right my naughty demons !! You guys know who you are. They love to call me when they’re in the mood for a hot, fiery bbw who doesn’t know how to hold back. You will too! You’ll need an exorcist to tear my hedonistic pussy, red hot mouth off of your body! That misled little girl no longer exists. Now I show off every inch of my curves with pride. Call me, and let’s bring out the devil in each other. Whaddya say??Amen to that!
1 866 493 7542 and make sure you ask to talk to Lilly for blasphemy phone sex.