Hi my precious sweet abie boy time for you to cum to Miss Malorie for all the love and tender care you can handle. Is my abie wet? Maybe you should call for abie phone sex and let me take care of you. Did you go pee pee in your diapey? *giggles* No worries Miss Malorie has her very own nursery for abie’s just like you. Cloth and disposable diapers, wipes, powder, lot’s of lotions & cream too for you cute lil touchie! When I get my darling all dry & fresh again I will rock you on my big, fluffy lap and let you suckle on my huge, abie nipples. *tehehe* Didn’t you know this bbw phone sex slut loves to play with abies!? I will nurse you and give you the sweetest, creamiest milk while I rock you to sleep. Naughty abie if you don’t call u may have to getta spanking!!!
Call 1-888-837-3259 now and ask for Malorie~ cum show me just how much you really do love me.