Taboo Phone Sex with Trisha

Anyone else finding they are having way more intense sexual dreams the last few weeks? Or perhaps its just me having been cooped up all alone with nothing more than my sex toys and the horny men on the other end of the phone. My voracious sexual appetite being quenched by everyone elses taboo phone sex fantasies.

taboo phone sex

In no way am I complaining for I do love listening to others taboo confessions. Those things they wish they could do or perhaps have done. Listening to them get excited with each detail slipping past their lips. Half the time going I cant believe I am telling you this. The other half going OMG its so hot telling you this!

Surprising how many confess to wishing they fucked the fat girl.

Always wanting to know what it was like to dip their dick in between fat pussy lips.

Wondering if it would feel any different.

Let me just start with yes it does. From the chubby chaser that I have talk too once they rode a chunky wave of hotness they have never had the desire to go back. They love the motion a fat girl brings to fucking.

Lets consider that my taboo phone sex public service announcement go out and get yourself a fat girl! We be sexy and oh so hot in bed.

But till you find that girl give me a call and lets indulge in your taboo phone sex fucking fantasies. Be it the girl you wish you could fuck to what happened the time you hooked up with a chubby girl. My number is 1-866-493-7542 just ask for Trisha.

Oh and that taboo phone sex stuff doesnt just pertain to fucking a fat girl it can be most anything that gets your dick hard. Just in case you were wondering I have no limits when it comes to phone fun!

Erotic Phone Sex Fantasy with Trisha

Interesting thing happened the other day on the phone a gentleman called and explained the erotic phone sex fantasy he wanted to indulge in. As I was listening to the details to his sexual fantasy thought this sounded rather familiar. He was someone who enjoyed taking the same fantasy and bouncing from girl to girl seeing how they would play it out.

erotic phone sex fantasy

Well he was rather surprised to know that not only had we spoken before but that I had remembered the fantasy. Now this gave him an interesting turn to things for we could play out the fantasy as he just described or opt to take the fantasy in a new direction. Sort of a part 2 to things.

He did ask me which way I wanted to take thing and well since he always plays the same scenario over and over again thought it would be interesting for him to see what part 2 would be like. Get his juices flowing in a new way. After some quick brain storming we came up with the perfect addition to his original erotic phone sex fantasy.

Something that left him not only breathless and exhausted from his climax but also curious where else we could go with this erotic scenario.

I am rather curious as well.

Know its always fun to play with a new girl but some times connecting up with someone you played with in the past can bring a new twist to an old fantasy as well.

You can find myself by calling 1-866-493-7542 the name is Trisha.

Love to explore your erotic phone sex fantasy with you.

2 BBW Phone Sex Girl Calls with Trisha

I had the hottest dream last night it was a wild threesome sex dream where it was myself and another bbw babe giving a blow job to one very lucky man. Course all day I have been swirling with hot images of threesomes in my head. Lucky for you or maybe I am the lucky one since I can react out that hot sexy dream with a fellow bbw phone sex girl.

2 bbw phone sex

Course I know there are lots of very sexy bbw babes around to help fulfill my threesome fantasy the question is which one of them chubby chicks gets your dick hard?

Cause I think this evening needs a night of wild erotic perhaps even taboo fun with three willing and eager people looking to satisfy each others carnal desires. If you look hard enough a few of us plump babes enjoy licking pussy too. Oh perhaps I should of saved that secret till you were with us… Nah I like you to know that when you indulge in a 2 girl phone sex call with myself that I am happy to not only suck on your cock but to lick some pussy too.

Hmmm wonder who is around for I do know there are a few bbw phone sex girls I have my eye on that I would love to play with. Perhaps you would like to try and handle 2 plump red headed women? Yes that has been a bit of a fantasy of mine.

Anyways I shall leave you to ponder which wonderful lady you would like to pair myself up with. And I shall just be over here letting my fingers play with my pussy. Dont keep me waiting too long. Really want to share this orgasm with you.

Trisha 1-866-493-7542

Leg Fetish Phone Sex with Trisha

Most would be complaining about this chilly weather and yes I am too a bit. However, the best part of the winter is slipping my luscious thighs into my leggings.

leg fetish

Yes I know those with a leg fetish are probably going why cover them?

Well unfortunately with the winter breeze its rather difficult to wander around in short skirts so I do the next best thing which is leggings. Which happen to be a size too small so there is that sense of barely covering my smooth skin. You can see that material being stretched out how it has that shimmer and sheen to it. Knowing its barely holding in my meaty thighs.

You sit there in the cafe or mall or where ever it is you see me walking by in my sweater that falls just to my hips and hoping. Perhaps praying that I will bend over for surely you will get a full on view of my panties and more….

Now being a plump sized goddess who indulges in fetish phone sex calls especially men with ass and leg fetishes. i know what gets you excited and trust me when I say I carry that info into my life off the phone as well. Which makes me one massive tease to those men who are around me.

Would love to share the naughty details of my day well mostly what I was wearing on my sexy chunky legs. Cause lets face it you would love a woman like myself to tease and tempt you today.

Or I can continue on with my cafe story and let you find out where my mind was going when I wrote this blog… Its oh so naughty!

1-866-493-7542 just ask for  Trisha

Creampie Phone Sex with Trisha

Today I am pondering if the desire for creampie phone sex has anything to do with how full of cum my pussy is? Well suppose the cat is out of the bag by saying that considering I ponder that question with a rather full pussy.

creampie phone sex

Seems my weekend was spent with my legs in the air and my pussy getting pounded.

Not once. Not even twice but well I lost track of how many loads of cum got shot into this fat pussy. I can say it was more than one man that shot their load in me.

Ribbons and ribbons of cum coating my inner walls. I refused to allow them to release their load anywhere else for its a major turn on not just to have their bare cocks pumping inside me but also ejaculating as well.

Yes I guess that would make me a bit of a cum slut but can you blame me. After all you enjoy the after effects of all that jizz dripping from my cunt. If I didnt allow them to unleash that load in me there would be no creampie phone sex.

Now the best part is sharing the joys of what happened over the weekend while you lick and slurp up all that jizz from my well fucked and rather swollen pussy. Yes its a bit tender so a good licking would be in order.

1-866-493-7542 just ask for Trisha

Ass Worship Phone Sex with Trisha

You know what is a shame this evening?

That my big fat ass is sitting in a chair and not on your face!

ass worship phone sex


Yes this perfectly round peach of a bottom shouldnt be sitting on furniture when there is your face available. So if you have an ass fetish especially for large asses like myself. Then come on and prove it with an ass worship phone sex call fit for a divine plus size diva like myself.

For those wondering my hip measurement is 44. Yes 44 inches of ass worshiping delight. Those ample hips for you to grab a hold of while your a working your face deep in to my backside cleavage.

Losing your mind as my plump ass cheeks just smother your face. Getting turned on yet?


Just so you know as much as I love having you behind me working your mouth up and down over my delightful asset. Today I am not into being on all fours to have you worship my ass. No I am in the mood to sit upon your face.

This way I can watch your cock get rock hard while you feel all my sexy juices drip down onto you. Slurp them up baby!

Feel my full weight bounce up and down upon your tongue while I enjoy you not only rimming my tight asshole but diving deep into it. Perhaps I should of held off on telling you that bit of information as I know it will truly excite any man with a fetish for bbw asses.

But on the other hand I do like you to know what your getting yourself into. With that the number to call so you can worship my wonderful fat is is 1-866-493-7542 just tell the dispatcher you wish to enjoy an ass worship phone sex session with Trisha!

2 BBW Phone Sex Call with Trisha

Wanna know what one of my kinky fantasies is? Well actually not sure how kinky you would rate it really but I do have a desire to be in a hot chubby threesome. Granted I know how hard it can be to arrange such a thing so that is why its always a wonderful thing to be able to grab 2 bbw phone sex babes for that threesome fantasy.

2 bbw phone sex babes

Well that is if you share the same kinky fantasy as I do.

Cause right now my mind is sort of twirling around the idea of you laying on your back with my plump pussy devouring your throbbing hard cock and well your face being buried between another girls luscious thighs.

Hmm wait perhaps that might just end up with you being smothered by all that rocking and rolling of chubby goodness but what a way to go out. You literally being fucked to death by all our fat hotness.

Granted you would only be good to us for one fuck so perhaps I should really rethink that threesome fantasy idea right at this moment. Better yet how about I ask you what would you do with 2 bbw phone sex babes?

Just think about it. You have 2 sets of big breasts to play with, 2 plump pussies, and most importantly 2 round bellies.

Do you think you have enough cum to coat us?

Now I really havent thought about who I would like to play with but I will say there are some very hot bbw babes available. Many like myself are no limits and enjoy taboo fantasies.

You can reach me by calling 1-866-493-7542 just ask for Trisha. Course if you cant decide on which girl to add to our hot call then the dispatcher will be more than happy to help out.

Ass Worship Phone Sex with Trisha

Are you staring at my ass right now? I wouldnt blame you if you were for it is one fine fat ass and I hear it has been known to spark a few ass worship phone sex fantasies.

Oh probably shouldnt of said that for now you really are staring at my amazing round bottom. Thinking of all the various ways in which you could worship it.

ass worship phone sex

Course my mentioning ass worship didnt actually give you permission to engage in those specific fantasies. For I do believe if one wants to worship a woman’s ass they should actually ask. Well more like they should drop to their knees and beg for such a wonderful privilege.

See behind this sweet smile is a sensual domme who adores having men beg to worship every inch of her plump body. So I think its time you start.

How about you grab that phone and dial my number 1-866-493-7542 then the true ass worship phone sex fantasies can begin. For I am a woman with no limits so if you desire to rim a fat ass then yes I will let you. Tongue fuck my rose bud yes that could be arranged as well.

Mind you it all depends on how good you are at appeasing my sensual domme side. Sorry were you all excited expecting a green light on the ass worship? Oh no honey. This bbw sensual domme isnt gonna let you get your cock off that easy. I wanna enjoy tormenting that cock along the way too.

So the number again is 1-866-493-7542 just ask for Trisha the bbw with one worshipable fat ass.

BBW Phone Sex Tease Trisha

A certain someone out there loves curvy women. Actually, it would probably be better for me to say he loves himself a big fat woman. There is nothing he loves more than calling this bbw phone sex babe and telling me all the wonderful things he would do with my plump body.

How each and every jiggle of my rolls excite him.

bbw phone sex

Now its not just his words that are so wonderful. I mean what woman doesnt love a man just showering her with compliments but that is not where the showering ends. For he loves to show his appreciation for fuller figured ladies by covering those curves with his cum loads.

See he loves the idea of pumping his cock while telling me what he loves about my body. Now over the years our fantasy time together has changed some and the area he wants to shower with his nut batter he has to start complimenting on.

So if he wants to coat my titties then he best tell me how much he loves that they bounce. How he adores how they sag cause big girls titties definitely have some weight to them. Now course I am right in there doing what this bbw phone sex babe does best … TEASING HIM!

Trying to distract him with my other curves. See if I can get him to break his concentracion. Some days it works other days that man just has a raging hard on to coat certain areas of my voluptuous body with his hot cum.

Mind you there are days where I can force another orgasm out of him too.

What areas of a hot bbw woman do you fantazies about showering in your hot sticky cum load?

You can give me a call at 1-866-493-7542 just ask for Trisha

Strap On Phone Sex with Trisha

Does the idea of a fat chick with a dildo strapped to her hips get you excited?

I know the idea of pegging some mans ass gets my plump pussy wet. So you wont have to guess where my mind is going today in the way of fetish fantasy calls today! Yes right to fucking some mans ass during a hot strap on phone sex fantasy.

strap on phone sex

My only dilemma today is what position to take you in?

No really!

Will I be having you bent over the arm of the couch as I drill this 8 inch dildo up your ass. My hands grabbing your hips while my round belly is slapping against your ass. Damn the sound of skin slapping is rather hot makes it sound like I am pegging your ass harder than I am.

Or will I have you on your back with my hands pushing your knees towards your chest and letting that ass open up to my 8 inch cock? You being able to watch as my big breasts jiggle as I pump that tight ass of yours. I of course get to watch your facial expressions and know which one feels just right. How deep you like it but dont worry its a strap on phone sex fantasy so I will still make you admit how deep you want my dick!

Damn now I really am in the mood to pound some anal sluts ass!

Who is else wants to bend over and take my strap on up their behind?

You can reach me at 1-866-493-7542 just ask for Trisha.

BBW Phone Sex