What is your favorite position to get fucked in? Oh I am not talking about favorite sexual position in general. This is the position you enjoy getting a strapon up your ass. Yes a strapon phone sex fantasy got me pondering on what is a guys favorite ass fucking position.
I know the position that I find most enjoyable for some great back door action when receiving. Definitely a doggie girl. I want you to be able to hold on to my ample hips when your making my ass fat ripple with each pounding of that hard cock. However, I am sure men feel rather differently about when there ass is getting penetrated by a strapon dick.
Do you enjoy looking up at your sexy bbw woman as she is staking claim to your behind? Watch those glorious tits bounce with each thrust of her hips as she plunges her plastic cock deep into your rectum? I know that can be rather erotic for myself. Plus I get to see how much your enjoying myself fucking you with that hard cock in plain view.
Course there is something so animistic about having you on all fours and surrendering yourself to my thick dildo. Being able to spank that ass of yours while I just take what I want. That tight pink asshole!
See how it can be so hard to decide? Well for me anyways. How about you give me a call and lets have a hot strapon phone sex discussion on which is the best way to get fucked. Share your views and well let the conversation let to some oh so hot masturbation.
Just ask for Trisha 1-866-493-7542